The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.
Spending time outdoors in nature, is essential for children’s healthy development.
From improving academic and social-emotional learning outcomes, to supporting physical and mental health, children thrive when they have frequent access to outdoor spaces, experiences and learning. If children aren’t exposed to nature every day, how will they become aware of how their actions have impact both locally and globally? Education and experiences are key to developing the environmental stewards of tomorrow.
Arbor Dog Foundation supports organizations that offer the benefits of being in nature, the importance of healthy foods, and teaching environmental responsibility.

A 200-acre urban oasis in Baltimore City, Cylburn is a place of natural beauty and learning with hundreds of specimen trees and plantings, gorgeous gardens, and wooded trails. They offer naturalist-led field trips and summer camps where students engage and connect deeply with nature through games, observations, exploration, and reflection.
The garden and grounds are open to the public and school groups may come to Cylburn for self-guided visits during normal park hours with a reservation.
Cylburn Arboretum Friends (CAF) is pleased to partner with University of Maryland Extension to offer Maryland Master Naturalist training. This volunteer training program engages students as stewards of Maryland’s ecosystems through science-based education and volunteer service.

Our vision is to unite Baltimore by ensuring that everyone is connected to nature through vibrant open and accessible green spaces. In fact, we’ve been making this happen, neighborhood by neighborhood, one park and one person at a time, for 30 years.
The act of reclaiming a vacant lot or beautifying a neglected open space, by even a few residents on a single block, can serve as a catalyst for positive change and growth throughout a community. We have seen this transformation take place time and again. In neighborhoods where someone establishes and maintains open public green spaces:
people experience a stronger sense of community,
develop closer relationships with their neighbors, and
report feeling safer.
This is true on any scale, from the 137-acre Patterson Park to a .137-acre pocket park on Pennsylvania Avenue. Both are vital resources not only to the residents in close proximity but also to the city at large.
We believe that creating access to healthy, vibrant outdoor spaces — parks, gardens, playing fields, bike paths, landscaped boulevards, university campuses, and other green spaces — yields nearly unlimited benefits: improving the quality of daily life, fostering young people’s sense of citizenship, driving economic investment, and so much more.

A leader in environmental education, urban bird conservation, and community development projects in southeast Baltimore PPAC operates in partnership with many local organizations and neighbors.
Teaching students the story of migrating birds that stop to rest and refuel in this urban oasis and engaging residents in greening their neighborhoods while helping birds, Audubon connects people with nature.
Audubon excels at connecting people to nature, even in an urban habitat. Patterson Park Audubon Center offers free and low-cost programs to interest the entire family, including opportunities for youth to volunteer in Patterson Park, adult bird walks and workshops, and varied programs to stimulate children’s minds.
If the environment in and around Baltimore is a cause of yours, consider making a designated donation to Arbor Dog Foundation. We will make sure that your money goes where should.